Record Case Detail


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sh: 1: pause: not found

Your Answer

Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the duration of the loan, in years: 
Month	Principal	 Interest	  Balance
-----	---------	---------	---------
12	    99.59	     0.41	    99.59
11	    99.17	     0.83	   198.76
10	    98.76	     1.24	   297.52
9	    98.35	     1.65	   395.87
8	    97.94	     2.06	   493.81
7	    97.54	     2.46	   591.35
6	    97.13	     2.87	   688.48
5	    96.73	     3.27	   785.21
4	    96.33	     3.67	   881.53
3	    95.93	     4.07	   977.46
2	    95.53	     4.47	  1072.99
1	    95.13	     4.87	  1168.12

JOJ Answer

Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the duration of the loan, in years: 
Month	Principal	 Interest	  Balance
-----	---------	---------	---------
12	    99.59	     0.41	    99.59
11	    99.17	     0.83	   198.76
10	    98.76	     1.24	   297.52
9	    98.35	     1.65	   395.87
8	    97.94	     2.06	   493.81
7	    97.54	     2.46	   591.35
6	    97.13	     2.87	   688.48
5	    96.73	     3.27	   785.21
4	    96.33	     3.67	   881.53
3	    95.93	     4.07	   977.46
2	    95.53	     4.47	  1072.99
1	    95.13	     4.87	  1168.12