Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Time Exceeded. And the exit code of your program is -9, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the interest 

JOJ Answer

Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the duration of the loan, in years: 
Month	Principal	 Interest	  Balance
-----	---------	---------	---------
144	  8715.66	   224.24	  8715.66
143	  8497.05	   442.85	 17212.72
142	  8283.92	   655.98	 25496.64
141	  8076.14	   863.76	 33572.78
140	  7873.57	  1066.33	 41446.36
139	  7676.08	  1263.82	 49122.44
138	  7483.55	  1456.35	 56605.98
137	  7295.84	  1644.06	 63901.82
136	  7112.84	  1827.06	 71014.66
135	  6934.43	  2005.47	 77949.10
134	  6760.50	  2179.40	 84709.59
133	  6590.93	  2348.97	 91300.52
132	  6425.61	  2514.29	 97726.13
131	  6264.44	  2675.46	103990.57
130	  6107.31	  2832.59	110097.88
129	  5954.12	  2985.78	116052.01
128	  5804.78	  3135.12	121856.78
127	  5659.18	  3280.72	127515.96
126	  5517.23	  3422.67	133033.20
125	  5378.85	  3561.05	138412.04
124	  5243.93	  3695.97	143655.97
123	  5112.40	  3827.50	148768.37
122	  4984.17	  3955.73	153752.54
121	  4859.15	  4080.75	1586