Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Time Exceeded. And the exit code of your program is -9, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Plea

JOJ Answer

Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the duration of the loan, in years: 
Month	Principal	 Interest	  Balance
-----	---------	---------	---------
720	  2072.21	    28.91	  2072.21
719	  2043.70	    57.42	  4115.91
718	  2015.58	    85.54	  6131.50
717	  1987.85	   113.27	  8119.35
716	  1960.50	   140.62	 10079.85
715	  1933.53	   167.59	 12013.38
714	  1906.93	   194.19	 13920.31
713	  1880.69	   220.43	 15801.01
712	  1854.82	   246.30	 17655.82
711	  1829.30	   271.82	 19485.12
710	  1804.13	   296.99	 21289.25
709	  1779.31	   321.81	 23068.56
708	  1754.83	   346.29	 24823.38
707	  1730.68	   370.44	 26554.07
706	  1706.87	   394.25	 28260.94
705	  1683.39	   417.73	 29944.33
704	  1660.23	   440.89	 31604.56
703	  1637.39	   463.73	 33241.95
702	  1614.86	   486.26	 34856.80
701	  1592.64	   508.48	 36449.45
700	  1570.73	   530.39	 38020.17
699	  1549.12	   552.00	 39569.29
698	  1527.81	   573.31	 41097.10
697	  1506.79	   594.33	 426