Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Time Exceeded. And the exit code of your program is -9, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Please enter the test choice: Plea

JOJ Answer

Please enter the monthly payment: Please enter the interest rate: Please enter the duration of the loan, in years: 
Month	Principal	 Interest	  Balance
-----	---------	---------	---------
1020	  2567.47	   208.45	  2567.47
1019	  2374.67	   401.25	  4942.14
1018	  2196.35	   579.57	  7138.50
1017	  2031.42	   744.50	  9169.92
1016	  1878.88	   897.04	 11048.80
1015	  1737.79	  1038.13	 12786.59
1014	  1607.30	  1168.62	 14393.89
1013	  1486.60	  1289.32	 15880.49
1012	  1374.97	  1400.95	 17255.46
1011	  1271.72	  1504.20	 18527.17
1010	  1176.22	  1599.70	 19703.40
1009	  1087.90	  1688.02	 20791.29
1008	  1006.20	  1769.72	 21797.50
1007	   930.65	  1845.27	 22728.15
1006	   860.76	  1915.16	 23588.91
1005	   796.13	  1979.79	 24385.03
1004	   736.34	  2039.58	 25121.38
1003	   681.05	  2094.87	 25802.42
1002	   629.91	  2146.01	 26432.33
1001	   582.61	  2193.31	 27014.94
1000	   538.86	  2237.06	 27553.80
999	   498.39	  2277.53	 28052.19
998	   460.97	  2314.95	 28513.16