Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.


==33412==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: FPE on unknown address 0x00000051d70a (pc 0x00000051d70a bp 0x7ffedf605150 sp 0x7ffedf604f40 T0)
    #0 0x51d709  (/out/package/calc_mem+0x51d709)
    #1 0x51b909  (/out/package/calc_mem+0x51b909)
    #2 0x51a623  (/out/package/calc_mem+0x51a623)
    #3 0x7fcd76d79c86  (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #4 0x41d909  (/out/package/calc_mem+0x41d909)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: FPE (/out/package/calc_mem+0x51d709) 


Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is 1, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

Not enough operands
Bad input
Divide by zero
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
0 1.0 243 -0.0 -118 306 -438 1.0 0 -296 0 1.0 109 79 96 0 -1.0 -402 262 -1.0 -1 -452 0 -24 -1.0 0 416 -465 -465 -89 483 75 261 261 261 413 265 0 61 -414 -414 313 -0 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
1.0 -50 375 25 -112 -251 50 80 0 427 178 -1.0 -0 
-370 129 433 173 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Not enough operands
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Divide by zero
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
-1.0 -0.0 136 69 0 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
-1.0 -0.0 136 0 367 0 253 
Bad input
Not enough operands
Bad input
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
-0 -315 1.0 11 0 -211 0 -0 0 98 1.0 121657 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad in

JOJ Answer

Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
0 313 -414 -414 61 0 265 413 261 261 261 75 483 -89 -465 -465 416 0 -24 1 -1 0 96 79 109 0 -296 0 -438 306 0 243 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
0 178 427 0 80 50 -251 -112 25 375 -50 
173 433 129 -370 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Not enough operands
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Divide by zero
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
0 69 136 
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
253 0 367 0 136 
Bad input
Not enough operands
Bad input
Not enough operands
Bad input
Not enough operands
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad input
Bad inp