Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.


==53837==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: alloc-dealloc-mismatch (operator new vs operator delete []) on 0x603000000070
    #0 0x7f150a617480 in operator delete[](void*) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x55b0f6b2c171 in BinaryTree::~BinaryTree() /in/ex6.cpp:87
    #2 0x55b0f6b2d5bb in test1() /in/compile/TestFunctions.cpp:92
    #3 0x55b0f6b3dc0e in std::_Function_handler<void (), void (*)()>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:316
    #4 0x55b0f6b3d8e8 in std::function<void ()>::operator()() const /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:706
    #5 0x55b0f6b2c877 in runTests(int) /in/compile/TestFunctions.cpp:19
    #6 0x55b0f6b2af70 in main /in/compile/test.cpp:13
    #7 0x7f1508ea4c86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #8 0x55b0f6b2acc9 in _start (/out/package/test+0x19cc9)

0x603000000070 is located 0 bytes inside of 24-byte region [0x603000000070,0x603000000


Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is 1, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

Test 1: In-order Traversal: 

JOJ Answer

Test 1: In-order Traversal: 5 10 15