Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.



Your Answer

Inserted VE463 with key tuple 8 2 0
Key 1 -5 3 not found when erasing!
Min of dim 0 is VE281
Key 0 2 7 not found!
Inserted VE521 with key tuple 0 4 4
Key 1 7 -3 not found when erasing!
Key 6 0 5 not found!
Min of dim 0 is VE281
Key -1 0 1 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE310 with key tuple -6 -8 3
Min of dim 2 is VE281
Max of dim 2 is VE521
Key 2 7 -6 not found!
Key -3 -3 -7 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE598 with key tuple 6 -2 -9
Traversing the tree after assignment operator:
Key -4 -5 8 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE355 with key tuple -6 1 -6
Key 8 7 8 not found!
Inserted VE493 with key tuple 8 3 -4
Min of dim 1 is VE310
Inserted VE517 with key tuple -3 8 -4
Key -1 2 -10 not found!
Key 2 -8 -6 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE343 with key tuple -4 3 -3
Inserted VE549 with key tuple 7 7 -1
Inserted VE332 with key tuple 4 8 -6
Inserted VE371 with key tuple -3 -9 -3
Inserted VE544 with key tuple 9 -3 9
Traversing the tree after assignment operator:

JOJ Answer

Inserted VE463 with key tuple 8 2 0
Key 1 -5 3 not found when erasing!
Min of dim 0 is VE281
Key 0 2 7 not found!
Inserted VE521 with key tuple 0 4 4
Key 1 7 -3 not found when erasing!
Key 6 0 5 not found!
Min of dim 0 is VE281
Key -1 0 1 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE310 with key tuple -6 -8 3
Min of dim 2 is VE281
Max of dim 2 is VE521
Key 2 7 -6 not found!
Key -3 -3 -7 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE598 with key tuple 6 -2 -9
Traversing the tree after assignment operator:
Key -4 -5 8 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE355 with key tuple -6 1 -6
Key 8 7 8 not found!
Inserted VE493 with key tuple 8 3 -4
Min of dim 1 is VE310
Inserted VE517 with key tuple -3 8 -4
Key -1 2 -10 not found!
Key 2 -8 -6 not found when erasing!
Inserted VE343 with key tuple -4 3 -3
Inserted VE549 with key tuple 7 7 -1
Inserted VE332 with key tuple 4 8 -6
Inserted VE371 with key tuple -3 -9 -3
Inserted VE544 with key tuple 9 -3 9
Traversing the tree after assignment operator: