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Your Answer

%\par The amplitude of oscillations was meas\qadd{ured by counting the notches on the wheel and the r}esult was displayed on the electronic control box.
\par The control box contained inputs as shown in Figure 3.
    \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{box.png}
    \caption{The rear panel of the control box.(cited from lab 5 manual edited by  Qin Tian, %Wang Yin, Mateusz Krzyzosiak)}
\par The mea\baddsuring system mainly consist}s of the detector and its control box with the precision 
        \multicolumn{1}{l}{Equipment} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Resolution}\\
        Pohl resonator (period) & 0.001s \\
        Pohl resonator (phase lag) & 1$^\circ$ \\
        Pohl resonator (amplitude) & 1$^\circ$ \\
    \caption{Me%a\cadd{surement device and pre}cisions.}

JOJ Answer

%\par The amplitude of oscillations was meas\qadd{ured by counting the notches on the wheel and the r}esult was displayed on the electronic control box.
\par The control box contained inputs as shown in Figure 3.
    \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{box.png}
    \caption{The rear panel of the control box.(cited from lab 5 manual edited by  Qin Tian, %Wang Yin, Mateusz Krzyzosiak)}
\par The mea\baddsuring system mainly consist}s of the detector and its control box with the precision 
        \multicolumn{1}{l}{Equipment} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Resolution}\\
        Pohl resonator (period) & 0.001s \\
        Pohl resonator (phase lag) & 1$^\circ$ \\
        Pohl resonator (amplitude) & 1$^\circ$ \\
    \caption{Me%a\cadd{surement device and pre}cisions.}