Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, you will still get Wrong Answer because the complete output may be longer and there might be errors in the future lines.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

( -1915 -64585 32504 -10592 -22783 )( 1 )( 28073 22411 -57807 -22701 20410 -36640 -16102 -13209 -8767 -46277 )

JOJ Answer

( -1915 -64585 32504 -10592 -22783 -60331 38211 -28235 39574 54792 55473 47333 59120 61611 63754 )( -46756 -62363 57524 -44552 -56976 62429 1 -5744 41492 -58103 -44184 )( 62091 19086 -54669 -55427 3168 -44961 -39023 12565 12065 20930 -32100 -32179 -29674 -37782 28073 22411 -57807 -22701 20410 -36640 -16102 -13209 -8767 -46277 -4898 )