Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, you will still get Wrong Answer because the complete output may be longer and there might be errors in the future lines.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

( -1316 1683 )( 1294 -114 699 1192 -944 -468 -1772 -952 -1772 165 -645 692 374 -953 1314 948 -1072 -1146 863 -189 1354 -1829 213 -406 -1295 651 1215 -1001 -575 -258 531 -134 -155 1770 178 667 -379 831 -257 135 -1539 -1728 -268 -395 1171 -441 723 -167 605 1452 360 -784 1930 -1299 -1160 377 1200 1127 506 1126 -1139 -1668 56 1569 479 1687 696 -310 -148 -1635 -1133 -261 1374 -1190 424 -668 1499 -543 707 1808 -207 145 -90 1590 802 1023 -869 -1373 -528 1270 405 115 -1238 -1872 -1322 833 1663 -1058 -626 -759 -496 -735 1458 1247 -976 -491 -339 -1992 -795 -1033 -1342 -1711 1260 1781 -43 82 -1143 -395 640 -1780 -411 692 -1330 1320 -1324 683 867 )( 1468 1363 -1413 1105 -1150 999 -1686 1184 1592 1926 1799 -158 1959 -306 1609 -398 229 1645 420 1732 -1987 -1859 -1581 -38 1092 840 -1349 -429 -1092 -1198 -215 1293 -1552 1671 -1273 -760 858 1458 -1143 -599 1723 1433 -1954 953 1851 -1390 -678 -1711 -844 748 -1169 166 1638 -504 -833 1123 672 -700 -509 530 -857 -1315 670 -555 374 -250 524 -1715 933 -1594 722 -1526 483 -631 1169 

JOJ Answer

( -1316 1683 )( 1294 -114 699 1192 683 -1324 -1330 1320 692 -411 -1780 640 -395 -1143 82 -43 1781 1260 -1711 -1342 -1033 -795 -1992 -339 -491 -976 1247 1458 -735 -496 -759 -626 1663 833 -1322 -1872 -1238 115 405 -1058 1270 -528 -1373 -207 145 -90 1590 1023 802 -869 1808 707 -543 1499 -468 -1772 -952 -1772 165 -645 692 374 -953 1314 948 -1072 -1146 863 -189 1354 -1829 213 -406 -1295 651 1215 -1001 -575 -258 531 1770 -155 -134 178 667 -379 831 -257 135 -1539 -1728 -268 -395 1171 -441 723 -167 605 1452 360 -784 -1139 1126 506 1127 1200 377 -1160 -1299 1930 -1668 56 1569 479 1687 696 -310 -148 -1635 -1133 -261 1374 -1190 424 -668 -944 867 )( 1468 866 736 1902 -418 1180 798 605 1753 -353 -1955 -1993 -86 -1459 1311 -1564 379 1620 330 -9 894 -1461 1039 -451 1977 -286 -253 -157 1339 1925 -1350 -1898 -1529 832 -1527 -687 1615 1876 1780 223 1052 153 -1555 -125 586 -30 -74 1683 -924 -1318 1522 -1234 -810 1851 -515 1374 1160 722 1033 1476 121 1822 1104 -1787 -600 1281 -1788 -1231 1483 -352 1101 -1480 258 1368 682 1635 -1