Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is -11, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

( -20650 -12517 25972 -36151 3221 58852 -35619 28029 -44706 30346 10021 3839 -28142 20115 -39462 26435 12736 -34766 2138 -10895 12412 -8793 -32683 51996 42482 -53222 -23151 -19519 -61429 -30000 35879 -56206 -29975 -14419 -48375 30317 -58255 -54016 20580 18859 -50573 -60772 -21871 51381 -14623 -46644 -39594 40901 -56716 6440 45129 -61667 32295 )

JOJ Answer

( -20650 -12517 25972 -36151 3221 58852 -35619 28029 -44706 30346 10021 3839 -28142 20115 -39462 26435 12736 -34766 2138 -10895 12412 -8793 -32683 51996 42482 -53222 -23151 -19519 -61429 -30000 35879 -56206 -29975 -14419 -48375 30317 -58255 -54016 20580 18859 -50573 -60772 -21871 51381 -14623 -46644 -39594 40901 -56716 6440 45129 -61667 32295 )( 14 -7 4 -19 -17 9 27 23 -7 -1 28 8 21 21 5 -4 -4 )( 8 21 12 -6 -14 -2 7 -5 -22 1 -6 2 -14 -24 -29 -2 3 13 -14 2 2 -27 -9 -23 -18 -12 -15 -9 14 23 -10 -1 18 25 24 19 23 -21 3 -19 -5 -1 -15 3 -22 -29 -18 -13 15 15 -13 17 1 -18 11 -26 -10 16 7 -23 -17 -7 19 -19 18 26 -18 -11 3 -8 30 12 -9 1 5 -13 16 -3 -26 -29 -2 -30 3 -17 16 -24 16 -4 23 30 30 -20 -11 -24 11 -7 9 18 -24 -23 1 -21 -16 9 -28 -22 -27 8 5 1 21 -14 7 -14 15 20 -18 -4 18 8 23 -29 -22 -15 -30 -8 -28 -25 9 -16 12 -28 20 -7 24 2 21 -5 -4 -25 -18 -18 1 -16 6 17 -26 14 -5 -2 13 -4 -2 9 26 -7 6 8 -16 21 15 12 -13 2 11 -9 27 -22 -21 20 28 -9 -11 -4 8 -25 -18 23 15 21 7 -26 -6 -16 -22 2 -28 18 -29 -16 -4 10 -15 20 26