Record Case Detail


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Your Answer

I don't know this instructor
Course Code: VE540
Course Name: Applied Quantum Mechanics I
Instructor: Mateusz Krzyzosiak
Course Code: VM240
Course Name: Intro to Dynamics and Vibrations
Instructor: Shen Yongxing
Course Code: VX402
Course Name: Managing a Business
Instructor: Pradeep Ray
Course Code: VE401
Course Name: Probabilistic Methods in Eng.
Instructor: Horst Hohberger
Course Code: VE406
Course Name: Applied Regression Analysis using R
Instructor: Liu Jing
Course Code: VP140
Course Name: Physics I
Instructor: Mateusz Krzyzosiak
Course Code: VP240
Course Name: Physics II
Instructor: Wan Wenjie
Course Code: VM405
Course Name: Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering
Instructor: Shen Yongxing
Course Code: VR140
Course Name: Comparative Governments and Politics
Instructor: Soong Chul Ro
Course Code: VX440
Course Name: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
Instructor: Soong Chul Ro
Course Code: VR340
Course Name: Shakespeare Studies 
Instructor: Ryan Thorpe
Course Code: VY240
Course Name: Introduction to P

JOJ Answer

I don't know this instructor

Course Code: VE540
Course Name: Applied Quantum Mechanics I
Instructor: Mateusz Krzyzosiak
Course Code: VM240
Course Name: Intro to Dynamics and Vibrations
Instructor: Shen Yongxing
Course Code: VX402
Course Name: Managing a Business
Instructor: Pradeep Ray
Course Code: VE401
Course Name: Probabilistic Methods in Eng.
Instructor: Horst Hohberger
Course Code: VE406
Course Name: Applied Regression Analysis using R
Instructor: Liu Jing
Course Code: VP140
Course Name: Physics I
Instructor: Mateusz Krzyzosiak
Course Code: VP240
Course Name: Physics II
Instructor: Wan Wenjie
Course Code: VM405
Course Name: Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering
Instructor: Shen Yongxing
Course Code: VR140
Course Name: Comparative Governments and Politics
Instructor: Soong Chul Ro
Course Code: VX440
Course Name: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
Instructor: Soong Chul Ro
Course Code: VR340
Course Name: Shakespeare Studies 
Instructor: Ryan Thorpe
Course Code: VY240
Course Name: Introduction to