Record Case Detail


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Your Answer

Course Code: VE/VM450
Course Name: VE/VM450 course evaluation
Instructor: Bao Shouxing
Course Code: VG500
Course Name: Technical Communication
Instructor: Manuel Charlemagne
Course Code: Vm505
Course Name: Finite Element Methods
Instructor: Shen Yongxing
Course Code: VE508
Course Name: Nonlinear and Ultrafast Optics
Instructor: Wan Wenjie
Course Code: VE550
Course Name: Information Theory
Instructor: Han Chong
Course Code: VE509
Course Name: Semiconductor Physics
Instructor: Mesli
Course Code: VE504
Course Name: Solid State Physics
Instructor: Bao Hua
Course Code: VV570
Course Name: Introduction to Engineering  Numerical Analysis
Course Code: VE540
Course Name: Applied Quantum Mechanics I
Instructor: Mateusz Krzyzosiak
Course Code: VM509
Course Name: Battery Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Instructor: Bao Shouxing
Course Code: VE530
Course Name: Electromagnetic Theory I
Instructor: Chen Songliang
Course Code: VG501
Course Name: Introduction to Graduate Technical Communicati

JOJ Answer

Course Code: VE/VM450
Course Name: VE/VM450 course evaluation
Instructor: Bao Shouxing
Course Code: VG500
Course Name: Technical Communication
Instructor: Manuel Charlemagne
Course Code: Vm505
Course Name: Finite Element Methods
Instructor: Shen Yongxing
Course Code: VE508
Course Name: Nonlinear and Ultrafast Optics
Instructor: Wan Wenjie
Course Code: VE550
Course Name: Information Theory
Instructor: Han Chong
Course Code: VE509
Course Name: Semiconductor Physics
Instructor: Mesli
Course Code: VE504
Course Name: Solid State Physics
Instructor: Bao Hua
Course Code: VV570
Course Name: Introduction to Engineering  Numerical Analysis
Course Code: VE540
Course Name: Applied Quantum Mechanics I
Instructor: Mateusz Krzyzosiak
Course Code: VM509
Course Name: Battery Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Instructor: Bao Shouxing
Course Code: VE530
Course Name: Electromagnetic Theory I
Instructor: Chen Songliang
Course Code: VG501
Course Name: Introduction to Graduate Technical Communicati