This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues
Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.
However, the main problem you meet now is Memory Exceeded. And the exit code of your program is -9, which should be 0.
Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.
Your Answer
JOJ Answer
Instructor: Ma Chengbin Zhang Yiping Courses: Ma Chengbin Zhang Yiping Instructor: Wang Bin Yuekai Sun Courses: Wang Bin Yuekai Sun Instructor: Huang Qingqiao NealeHaugen Courses: Huang Qingqiao NealeHaugen Instructor: Quanbo Xie Amy Hortop Courses: Quanbo Xie Amy Hortop Instructor: ManuelPerezGarcia NanaLiu Courses: ManuelPerezGarcia NanaLiu Instructor: Jaehyung Ju Shu La Courses: Jaehyung Ju Shu La Instructor: Zhu Hong Mateusz Krzyzosiak Courses: Zhu Hong Mateusz Krzyzosiak Instructor: Chan Yang Gabor Orosz Courses: Chan Yang Gabor Orosz Instructor: Long Yong Wang Xiaojun Courses: Long Yong Wang Xiaojun Instructor: Huang Qingqiao Chen Peng Courses: Huang Qingqiao Chen Peng Instructor: Shi Cong Feng Zhenya Courses: Shi Cong Feng Zhenya Instructor: Horst Hohberger Shao Lei Courses: Horst Hohberger Shao Lei Instructor: Quanbo Xie Zhao Jianshi Courses: Quanbo Xie Zhao Jianshi Instructor: Luo Jiajia Yang Tian Courses: Luo Jiajia Yang Tian Instructor: Zhang Jian test1 Courses: Zhang Jian test1 Instructor: NanaLiu