Record Case Detail


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Your Answer

I don't know this course

Course Code: test1 Wang Qian
Course Name: test1 Wang Qian
Instructor: test1 Wang Qian
Course Code: Chen Songliang test1
Course Name: Chen Songliang test1
Instructor: Chen Songliang test1
Course Code: Yu Qiong test1
Course Name: Yu Qiong test1
Instructor: Yu Qiong test1
Course Code: test1 Qian Yijun
Course Name: test1 Qian Yijun
Instructor: test1 Qian Yijun
Course Code: test1 Cai Min
Course Name: test1 Cai Min
Instructor: test1 Cai Min
Course Code: Amy Hortop test1
Course Name: Amy Hortop test1
Instructor: Amy Hortop test1
Course Code: test1 Shi Hongbo
Course Name: test1 Shi Hongbo
Instructor: test1 Shi Hongbo

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

Good night. I am going to sleep

JOJ Answer

I don't know this course

Course Code: test1 Wang Qian
Course Name: test1 Wang Qian
Instructor: test1 Wang Qian
Course Code: Chen Songliang test1
Course Name: Chen Songliang test1
Instructor: Chen Songliang test1
Course Code: Yu Qiong test1
Course Name: Yu Qiong test1
Instructor: Yu Qiong test1
Course Code: test1 Qian Yijun
Course Name: test1 Qian Yijun
Instructor: test1 Qian Yijun
Course Code: test1 Cai Min
Course Name: test1 Cai Min
Instructor: test1 Cai Min
Course Code: Amy Hortop test1
Course Name: Amy Hortop test1
Instructor: Amy Hortop test1
Course Code: test1 Shi Hongbo
Course Name: test1 Shi Hongbo
Instructor: test1 Shi Hongbo

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

I don't know this course

Good night. I am going to sleep