Record Case Detail


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Your Answer

Instructor: Wang Xudong
Courses: VE655 VE455 VE689 VE489 
Instructor: Wang Lipo
Courses: VM520 VM235 VM524 VM432 VM523 
Instructor: Wang Chunying
Courses: TH028 TH021 
Instructor: Wang Yanming
Courses: VK330 
Instructor: Wang Jun
Courses: VZ011 VZ012 VZ031 VZ032 VZ021 VZ022 VZ051 VZ052 VZ104 VZ200 

Course Code: VE460
Course Name: Control Systems Analysis and Design
Instructor: Zhang Jun
Course Code: VM467
Course Name: Introduction to Robotics
Instructor: Yu Zheng
Course Code: VR246
Course Name: Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels 
Course Code: VM466
Course Name: Statistical Quality Control
Instructor: Dragan Djurdjanovic
Course Code: VM461
Course Name: Automatic Control
Instructor: Zhang Jun

I don't know this instructor

Course Code: VM513
Course Name: Continuum Mechanics
Instructor: Jaehyung Ju
Course Code: VE413
Course Name: Monolithic Amplifier Circuits
Instructor: Tu Changching

I don't know this instructor

Course Code: TH021
Course Name: Modern Chinese History

JOJ Answer

I don't know this instructor

Course Code: VE460
Course Name: Control Systems Analysis and Design
Instructor: Zhang Jun
Course Code: VM467
Course Name: Introduction to Robotics
Instructor: Yu Zheng
Course Code: VR246
Course Name: Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels 
Course Code: VM466
Course Name: Statistical Quality Control
Instructor: Dragan Djurdjanovic
Course Code: VM461
Course Name: Automatic Control
Instructor: Zhang Jun

I don't know this instructor

Course Code: VM513
Course Name: Continuum Mechanics
Instructor: Jaehyung Ju
Course Code: VE413
Course Name: Monolithic Amplifier Circuits
Instructor: Tu Changching

I don't know this instructor

Course Code: TH021
Course Name: Modern Chinese History
Instructor: Wang Chunying
Course Code: VE216
Course Name: Intro to Signals and Systems
Instructor: Long Yong
Course Code: VR121
Course Name: The Psychology of Sustainability
Instructor: Stephanie Preston
Course Code: VM211
Course Name: Intro to Solid Mechanics