This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues
100 int 0 append L619asTm -577 1 append fwnAoN4Ig 703 2 append YJQFrK0fwNHXZRq -179 3 append FLAiuYpE 1021 4 append daYCu5c7DW2b -172 5 append MVudPk0Af8G6 180 6 append pYaxK 683 7 append uSMGF -540 8 append TJeQDRb20 534 9 append vMxC9w4hy 575 10 append Uw1jOTPqNRd -779 11 append Qg9m7PU 649 12 append NVTK7tHMUker0R1 -118 13 append FGloLg 1008 14 append s1LAxDE -519 15 append BfZ6d7O 659 16 append H59j40 -988 17 empty 18 append IQA9fnzk -816 19 append 01gT4WDyc2X -495 20 append D1MzHv 294 21 append 9QlmKBbknqzepW -163 22 append 35RruwcQCVMxLsN 393 23 empty 24 append FY5fnxd 3 25 print 26 append 5ZfKXW3AGFImB 3 27 append D8qdWc4ZGYA 850 28 append F6CW0KkA5Rc -962 29 sort dec 30 sort dec 31 append 94wSWJ 162 32 append 0bRKEBFsx9jNzM -764 33 append W4ZCf -994 34 append vknNKPBRY 742 35 append csA46ZyO5IxDbHp -403 36 append z2gTu -735 37 sort inc 38 append t8ZU3v6i 377 39 append eMmZw1iJs5CUErg 603 40 append klVgdHW0r 737 41 print 42 print 43 append BMWa6wP4 485 44 append 0a6qz 380 45 append uqTVHg1am9FdRw 106 4
Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.
However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is 1, which should be 0.
Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.
Your Answer
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 false 18 19 20 21 22 23 false 24 25 print=-577 print=703 print=-179 print=1021 print=-172 print=180 print=683 print=-540 print=534 print=575 print=-779 print=649 print=-118 print=1008 print=-519 print=659 print=-988 print=-816 print=-495 print=294 print=-163 print=393 print=3 26 27 28 29 dec=-577 dec=703 dec=-179 dec=1021 dec=-172 dec=180 dec=683 dec=-540 dec=534 dec=575 dec=-779 dec=649 dec=-118 dec=1008 dec=-519 dec=659 dec=-988 dec=-816 dec=-495 dec=294 dec=-163 dec=393 dec=3 dec=3 dec=850 dec=-962 dec=1021 dec=1008 dec=850 dec=703 dec=683 dec=659 dec=649 dec=575 dec=534 dec=393 dec=294 dec=180 dec=3 dec=3 dec=-118 dec=-163 dec=-172 dec=-179 dec=-495 dec=-519 dec=-540 dec=-577 dec=-779 dec=-816 dec=-962 dec=-988 30 dec=-577 dec=703 dec=-179 dec=1021 dec=-172 dec=180 dec=683 dec=-540 dec=534 dec=575 dec=-779 dec=649 dec=-118 dec=1008 dec=-519 dec=659 dec=-988 dec=-816 dec=-495 dec=294 dec=-163 dec=393 dec=3 dec=3 dec=850 dec=-962 dec=1021 dec=1021 dec=1008 dec=100
JOJ Answer
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 false 18 19 20 21 22 23 false 24 25 L619asTm=-577 fwnAoN4Ig=703 YJQFrK0fwNHXZRq=-179 FLAiuYpE=1021 daYCu5c7DW2b=-172 MVudPk0Af8G6=180 pYaxK=683 uSMGF=-540 TJeQDRb20=534 vMxC9w4hy=575 Uw1jOTPqNRd=-779 Qg9m7PU=649 NVTK7tHMUker0R1=-118 FGloLg=1008 s1LAxDE=-519 BfZ6d7O=659 H59j40=-988 IQA9fnzk=-816 01gT4WDyc2X=-495 D1MzHv=294 9QlmKBbknqzepW=-163 35RruwcQCVMxLsN=393 FY5fnxd=3 26 27 28 29 L619asTm=-577 fwnAoN4Ig=703 YJQFrK0fwNHXZRq=-179 FLAiuYpE=1021 daYCu5c7DW2b=-172 MVudPk0Af8G6=180 pYaxK=683 uSMGF=-540 TJeQDRb20=534 vMxC9w4hy=575 Uw1jOTPqNRd=-779 Qg9m7PU=649 NVTK7tHMUker0R1=-118 FGloLg=1008 s1LAxDE=-519 BfZ6d7O=659 H59j40=-988 IQA9fnzk=-816 01gT4WDyc2X=-495 D1MzHv=294 9QlmKBbknqzepW=-163 35RruwcQCVMxLsN=393 FY5fnxd=3 5ZfKXW3AGFImB=3 D8qdWc4ZGYA=850 F6CW0KkA5Rc=-962 FLAiuYpE=1021 FGloLg=1008 D8qdWc4ZGYA=850 fwnAoN4Ig=703 pYaxK=683 BfZ6d7O=659 Qg9m7PU=649 vMxC9w4hy=575 TJeQDRb20=534 35RruwcQCVMxLsN=393 D1MzHv=294 MVudPk0Af8G6=180 FY5fnxd=3 5ZfKXW3AGFImB=3 NVTK7tHMUker0R1