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Your Answer
letter from a birmin ham ja l king jr 16 pril 1 63 my ear fe low cl rgymen while onfine here n the irming am cit jail came cross our re ent st tement callin my pr sent a tiviti s unwi e and ntimel seldo do i ause t answe criti ism of my wor and i eas if i soug t to a swer a l the ritici ms tha cross my des my se retari s woul have ittle ime fo anyth ng oth r than such c rrespo dence n the ourse f the ay and i woul have o time for co struct ve wor but s nce i eel th t you re men of gen ine go d will and th t your critic sms ar since ely se forth i want to try to ans er you state ent in what i hope w ll be atient and re sonabl terms i am i birmi gham b cause njusti e is h re i a cogni ant of the in errela edness of all commun ties a d stat s i ca not si idly y in a lanta nd not be con erned bout w at hap ens in birmin ham in ustice anywhe e is a threat to jus ice ev rywher we ar caugh in an inesca able n twork f mutu lity t ed in singl garme t of d stiny ha
JOJ Answer
letter from a birmingham jail king jr 16 april 1963 my dear fellow clergymen while confined here in the birmingham city jail i came across your recent statement calling my present activities unwise and untimely seldom do i pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas if i sought to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk my secretaries would have little time for anything other than such correspondence in the course of the day and i would have no time for constructive work but since i feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth i want to try to answer your statement in what i hope will be patient and reasonable terms i am in birmingham because injustice is here i am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states i cannot sit idly by in atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in birmingham injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny wha