Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is -11, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer


JOJ Answer

hexadecimal number 1: hexadecimal number 2: Their sum is 2B4670AF32EB9E0710D8F3C7956D8F530F4D93D4A3DC8FB995944F4D99BC60D3BDE9DBA3B1D5AD2A50A06A0540F11D412385A930597A3FB19938A54E150FCA0473744567B97646576C33978F4CB52A79D
Their difference is 2B467099A51FD9794765A1EE70FB396846673EE3ACD4B8EB6E0EF3A2B825EEB37BDFBE2DC7AE2C9F9B028155457DD1E45B262CBC89FA67BD819EEE44609649B408238BD05D3F348C628C7A3686C18E03F