Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.




Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, you will still get Wrong Answer because the complete output may be longer and there might be errors in the future lines.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

The following is some testcase you fail
strHand - Expected Answer -  Your Answer
44678c234667788d              1    0
11122345555789d               8    0
222333c11133888b              2    1
11144455666777b               8    4
222555888c22288d              8    0
99c112233778899d              4    0
11122233378999c               16   0
6666c1111338899d              16   0
44445566667777b               128  0
13333444457899d               0    16

Chicken Hand               [ 34.02%]
Full Flush                 [ 44.77%]
All Triplets               [  2.80%]
Pure Triplets              [  1.90%]
2/5/8 Triplets             [  0.00%]
Terminals in All Sets      [  9.30%]
Pure Terminals in All Sets [  0.00%]
Seven Pairs                [  0.03%]
Pure Seven Pairs           [  0.00%]
Not Winning                [ 50.92%]

Determine Winning or Not   [ 54.41%]

Total Score: 6

JOJ Answer

Congratulation! You pass all the testcase.

Chicken Hand               [100.00%]
Full Flush                 [100.00%]
All Triplets               [100.00%]
Pure Triplets              [100.00%]
2/5/8 Triplets             [100.00%]
Terminals in All Sets      [100.00%]
Pure Terminals in All Sets [100.00%]
Seven Pairs                [100.00%]
Pure Seven Pairs           [100.00%]
Not Winning                [100.00%]

Determine Winning or Not   [100.00%]

Total Score: 105