This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues
Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.
However, you will still get Wrong Answer because the complete output may be longer and there might be errors in the future lines.
Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.
Your Answer
>> [Warning: Unable to create preferences folder in /.matlab/R2021a. A system error has occurred. Using a temporary preferences folder for this MATLAB session. See the <a href="matlab: helpview([docroot '/matlab/'],'matlabenvironment_prefdir_location')">preferences documentation</a> for more details.] >> ans = Columns 1 through 6 6973 7684 1005 4205 8468 -932 Columns 7 through 12 -8896 960 -1676 -6941 9634 -8362 Columns 13 through 18 6643 6677 -8195 -5682 4178 -1291 Columns 19 through 24 -7035 -7119 6864 -186 -2291 125 Columns 25 through 30 362 2151 -5304 5 5026 -1513 Columns 31 through 36 556 -350 -5455 -4209 716 -7855 Columns 37 through 40 -8294 -2580 -575 8809 >>
JOJ Answer
-8896 -8362 -8294 -8195 -7855 -7119 -7035 -6941 -5682 -5455 -5304 -4209 -2580 -2291 -1676 -1513 -1291 -932 -575 -350 -186 5 125 362 556 716 960 1005 2151 4178 4205 5026 6643 6677 6864 6973 7684 8468 8809 9634