This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues
octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set octave: disabling GUI features warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile>reFreakingVerse at line 19 column 12 reverseFile at line 9 column 16 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile>reFreakingVerse at line 19 column 12 reverseFile at line 9 column 16 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile>reFreakingVerse at line 19 column 12 reverseFile at line 9 column 16 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile>reFreakingVerse at line 19 column 12 reverseFile at line 9 column 16 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile>reFreakingVerse at line 19 column 12 reverseFile at line 9 column 16 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile>reFreakingVerse at line 19 column 12 reverseFile at l
Your Answer
Your reverse.txt: efiL ocisoH fo yad enO gnimmiwS ocisoH rof dnalyensiD xaler ot yad doog a s'tI xoB daerB taC gnizamA ehT ocisoH tuoba stcaF !yaD yrotciV yppaH emoh ta srebmucuc worg ylkciuq ot woH skeehc yffulf s'ocisoH gnigassam rof tseb eht era seldnah elttil esehT
JOJ Answer
Your reverse.txt: efiL ocisoH fo yad enO gnimmiwS ocisoH rof dnalyensiD xaler ot yad doog a s'tI xoB daerB taC gnizamA ehT ocisoH tuoba stcaF !yaD yrotciV yppaH emoh ta srebmucuc worg ylkciuq ot woH skeehc yffulf s'ocisoH gnigassam rof tseb eht era seldnah elttil esehT