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octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set octave: disabling GUI features warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from reverseFile at line 12 column 24 warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char warning: called from rever
Your Answer
Your reverse.txt: ,dliw eht dessorc I nehw ,dnA :yarG ycuL fo draeh dah I TFO .dlihc yratilos ehT yad fo kaerb ta ees ot decnahc I ,room ediw a no tlewd ehS ;wenk ycuL edarmoc on ,etam oN !rood namuh a ediseB werg reve taht gniht tseteews ehT��� ;neerg eht nopu erah ehT ,yalp ta nwaf eht yps yam tey uoY .nees eb erom reven lliW yarG ycuL fo ecaf teews eht tuB ;og tsum nwot eht ot uoY ���thgin ymrots a eb lliw thgin-oT��� ���.wons eht hguorht rehtom ruoY thgil ot ,dlihC ,nretnal a ekat dnA :od yldalg I lliw !rehtaF ,tahT��� ���noonretfa ylecracs siT��� ���!noom eht si rednoy dnA ,owt kcurts tsuj sah kcolc-retsnim ehT ;dnab-toggaf a deppans dnA ,kooh sih desiar rehtaF eht siht tA .dnah reh ni nretnal ehT koot ycuL dna���;krow sih deilp eH ekorts otnaw a ynam htiW :eor niatnuom eht si rehtilb toN .ekoms ekil pu sesir tahT ,wons yredwop eht esrepsid teef reH ;nwod dna pu derednaw ehS :emit sti erofeb no emac mrots ehT .nwot eht dehcaer reven tuB ,bmilc ycuL did llih a ynam dnA ;ediw dna raf gnituohs tneW thgin ta
JOJ Answer
Your reverse.txt: ,dliw eht dessorc I nehw ,dnA :yarG ycuL fo draeh dah I TFO .dlihc yratilos ehT yad fo kaerb ta ees ot decnahc I ,room ediw a no tlewd ehS ;wenk ycuL edarmoc on ,etam oN !rood namuh a ediseB werg reve taht gniht tseteews ehT��� ;neerg eht nopu erah ehT ,yalp ta nwaf eht yps yam tey uoY .nees eb erom reven lliW yarG ycuL fo ecaf teews eht tuB ;og tsum nwot eht ot uoY ���thgin ymrots a eb lliw thgin-oT��� ���.wons eht hguorht rehtom ruoY thgil ot ,dlihC ,nretnal a ekat dnA :od yldalg I lliw !rehtaF ,tahT��� ���noonretfa ylecracs siT��� ���!noom eht si rednoy dnA ,owt kcurts tsuj sah kcolc-retsnim ehT ;dnab-toggaf a deppans dnA ,kooh sih desiar rehtaF eht siht tA .dnah reh ni nretnal ehT koot ycuL dna���;krow sih deilp eH ekorts otnaw a ynam htiW :eor niatnuom eht si rehtilb toN .ekoms ekil pu sesir tahT ,wons yredwop eht esrepsid teef reH ;nwod dna pu derednaw ehS :emit sti erofeb no emac mrots ehT .nwot eht dehcaer reven tuB ,bmilc ycuL did llih a ynam dnA ;ediw dna raf gnituohs tneW thgin ta