Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.


octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
octave: disabling GUI features
error: str(38,_): but str has size 37x77


Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is 1, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer


JOJ Answer

Your reverse.txt:
,dliw eht dessorc I nehw ,dnA :yarG ycuL fo draeh dah I TFO
.dlihc yratilos ehT yad fo kaerb ta ees ot decnahc I
,room ediw a no tlewd ehS ;wenk ycuL edarmoc on ,etam oN
!rood namuh a ediseB werg reve taht gniht tseteews ehT���
;neerg eht nopu erah ehT ,yalp ta nwaf eht yps yam tey uoY
.nees eb erom reven lliW yarG ycuL fo ecaf teews eht tuB
;og tsum nwot eht ot uoY ���thgin ymrots a eb lliw thgin-oT���
���.wons eht hguorht rehtom ruoY thgil ot ,dlihC ,nretnal a ekat dnA
:od yldalg I lliw !rehtaF ,tahT���
���noonretfa ylecracs siT���
���!noom eht si rednoy dnA ,owt kcurts tsuj sah kcolc-retsnim ehT
;dnab-toggaf a deppans dnA ,kooh sih desiar rehtaF eht siht tA
.dnah reh ni nretnal ehT koot ycuL dna���;krow sih deilp eH
ekorts otnaw a ynam htiW :eor niatnuom eht si rehtilb toN
.ekoms ekil pu sesir tahT ,wons yredwop eht esrepsid teef reH
;nwod dna pu derednaw ehS :emit sti erofeb no emac mrots ehT
.nwot eht dehcaer reven tuB ,bmilc ycuL did llih a ynam dnA
;ediw dna raf gnituohs tneW thgin ta