Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.


octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
octave: disabling GUI features
error: 'fileName' undefined near line 4 column 16


Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, the main problem you meet now is Runtime Error. And the exit code of your program is 1, which should be 0.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer


JOJ Answer

Your reverse.txt:
          .eb dluoc ,ew gninaem ,yeht erus ma I sa derewopme ro trams sa eb ot ton referp tnemom eht rof sremusnoc taht mees seod tI .gnikaerbtraeh si tnemrewopme revo ytivissap remusnoc fo hpmuirt sihT
    tnerrucnoc eht tuohtiw neve noitavresbo hguone kaelb a eb dluow sihT
.emit eht lla no deips gnieb ot decseiuqca osla evah ew tub ,tnemrewopme revo ssenizal dna hsalf dezitiroirp sremusnoc evah ylno toN .ymonoce ecnallievrus eht fo esir               
.eno yllautca era sdnert owt ehT