Record Case Detail


This function is in beta test. Please help improve it in the issues here.


octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
octave: disabling GUI features
error: writing file '/.octave_hist': Read-only file system
error: ignoring const octave::execution_exception& while preparing to exit


Your answer may be identical to the JOJ answer in the first several lines.

However, you will still get Wrong Answer because the complete output may be longer and there might be errors in the future lines.

Please double check your code to solve this problem and try again.

Your Answer

 Columns 1 through 13:

   100   101   102     0     1     2   106   107   108   109   110   111   112

 Columns 14 through 16:

   113   114   115
    7    9   18   27
    8   17   26   35
   16   25   34   36
   24   33   42   44
    1    7   13   19   25   31
    2    8   14   20   26   32
    3    9   15   21   27   33
    4   10   16   22   28   34
    5   11   17   23   29   35
    6   12   18   24   30   36

JOJ Answer

 Columns 1 through 13:

   100   101   102     0     1     2   106   107   108   109   110   111   112

 Columns 14 through 16:

   113   114   115
    7    9   18   27
    8   17   26   35
   16   25   34   36
   24   33   42   44
    1    2    3    4    5    6
    7    8    9   10   11   12
   13   14   15   16   17   18
   19   20   21   22   23   24
   25   26   27   28   29   30
   31   32   33   34   35   36